Notice of Public Hearing Pursuant to Section 111 of the Community Planning Act, public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Fredericton Junction is considering the adoption of the proposed by-law, the Village of Fredericton Junction…
Horizon Health Network
Horizon notice
Water Conservation Tips
Water Conservation Tips Avoid washing your vehicles Wash full loads in your dishwasher or washing machine Take shorter showers Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or washing hands Install low flow toilets, shower heads, etc. Check for leaky…
Community Food Smart Program
The Community Food Smart program is a bulk buy produce program. Each month the bag has 6 staple items (apples, oranges, bananas, onions, carrots and potatoes), other items in the bag are based on best pricing. Membership is $10 (one-time…
Orthotic Clinic
Canadian Certified Pedorthist, Daniel Box, C. Ped (C) owner of InStep Orthotics Ltd., runs an Orthotic Clinic at the Fredericton Junction Health Clinic on the second Wednesday of every month. Call 454-9112 to arrange for an appointment.
Exercise Classes
Exercise classes Sunday and Wednesday evenings 7:00-8:00 pm at TCC. Interval classes with weights, bands, kettle-bells, cardio, and core. Every night is different! Pilates and yoga will be incorporated and all movements will be modified to your body. Mindful Movement Classes are designed…
Newly Elected Village Council
Sitting L to R: Deputy Mayor John Bigger, Mayor Gary Mersereau. Back row L to R: Councillor James Webb, Councillor Lonnie Daley and Councillor Mark Mersereau.
The recycling is now being done by Fero Waste & Recycling. It will remain the second Tuesday of every month. Should you require a blue or grey bin or have any concerns, please call 472-3376.