There will be NO council meeting on Monday Dec 26th. The next scheduled meeting is January 9th.
Employment Opportunity
The Public Works Department is looking for an individual to help with the Tuesday’s garbage pick-up. The successful candidate will be responsible for throwing on the garbage as well as helping with light maintenance of the garbage truck If interested,…
By-Law #2022-02
December Newsletter
2023 Budget – Council has finalized and adopted the 2023 budget. The tax rate will remain at $1.3392 Annual Tree Lighting – The annual tree lighting will take place Dec 3rd at 6pm at the caboose. Refreshments to follow at…
This will be the 26th year for the Christmas Family Assistance project, which was organized in 1997 as a joint effort between the local community churches. To date we have assisted almost 334 families with a generous Christmas food order…
25th Annual Atlantic Challenge Cup
Congratulations to Carly Youngblood of Fredericton Junction formaking the cut, and able to represent NB in this exciting event!PUCK SET TO DROP ON 25th ANNUAL ATLANTIC CHALLENGE CUPnews • 2022-10-05MONCTON, NB – 320 young hockey players from throughout AtlanticCanada will…
Horizon’s Oromocto Public Hospital Emergency Department temporarily closedFriday, July 8 (OROMOCTO) Thursday, July 7 2022 – The Emergency Department (ED) at Horizon’sOromocto Public Hospital will be temporarily closed Friday, July 8, due to COVID-relatedillnesses among staff.The ED will close at…
Mental Wellness
Fundraiser for local TeamNB softball players
May 23 Council Meeting
The May 23rd Council Meeting has been switched to Tuesday May 24th due to the Victoria Day Holiday