Update from DTI: You will start seeing some activities as early as Thursday or Friday at the site of the culvert. Our plan is to be out of there before Xmas eve weekend, weather permitting.
V of FJ: Crèche
For many years this crèche has made it to the center of our village. So, taking a picture and making mention of it. Then acknowledging the folks that work behind the scenes to move it, make it look spectacular and cared…
December Council Meetings
The Regular council meeting on Monday Dec 11 is being moved to Monday Dec 18. There will not be a Regular council meeting on Monday Dec 25.
Letters to Santa
Yoga – January 7, 2024 – 6 wks – $108
December 2023 Newsletter
Retirement of Deputy Fire Chief
2023 Citizen of the Year
So as the saying goes this person shows up for anything sleet, nor snow, nor rain keeps this individual from serving his community. He is seen in MANY places within the village either working or helping out at all our…