By-Law #3 Number of Councillors
By-Law #7 Planning Advisory Committee
By-Law #20, #20A, #20B Equipment Reserve
By-Law #2002-02 Policies for Dog Constable
By-Law #2009-01 Rural Plan Map
By-Law #2012-01 Repeal Noise By-Law #21
By-Law #2012-02 Procedures & Organization of Village
By-Law #2012-05 Elected Official’s Remuneration
By-Law #2013-01 Water & Sewer System
By-Law #2013-02 Dangerous & Unsightly Premises
By-Law #2014-01 Building By-Law
By-Law #2014-02 Emergency Measures Response Plan
By-Law #2018-01- Amends #2013-01 Section 17
By-Law #2018-02- Amends #2012-02 Sections 4 (3,& 4) and 6 (1 & 4)
By-Law 2019-01 – Amends #2018-01 Section 17
By-Law #2019-02 All-Terrain Vehicle By-Law
By-Law #2020-02 Repeals #2012-05 Elected Official’s By-Law
By-Law #2022-02 Water & Sewer System Repeals By-Law #2013-01
By-Law #2022-03 Repeals #2020-02 Elected Official’s By-Law
By-Law #2024-002 Dangerous & Unsightly Premises Repeals By-Law #2013-02
By-Law #2024-05 A By-Law To Amend By-Law #2012-02 Procedures and Organization of Village