August 3 @ 7:00 AM – August 10 @ 10:00 PM Come Home Week 50th Anniversary August 3 @ 7:00 AM – August 10 @ 10:00 PM August 3-10, 2024 50th Year Theme: Isn’t it Nifty We made it to 50 THANK YOU Come Home…
Recycling Guide and Calendar 2024
Recycling is every 2nd Tuesday of the month. For more information or recycling bin inquiries you can contact: 1-800-668-3376 /
She is all Done!!
On March 4, 2024 Debbie McLaughlin of Fredericton Junction started out on her 70th Birthday to walk 700 kms in 70 days and raise money for the Tri-County Complex. She has done it and also raised approximatically $4,000.00!! Great work…
BY-LAW 2024-05-02
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Fredericton Junction proposes Creation of A By-Law Establishing the Code of Conduct for Council Pursuant to subsection 10(2)(b) of the Local Governance Act, SNB 2017, c.18, amendments thereto and regulations adopted thereunder,…
BY-LAW 2024-05-02
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Fredericton Junction proposes Creation of A By-Law Establishing the Code of Conduct for Council Pursuant to subsection 10(2)(b) of the Local Governance Act, SNB 2017, c.18, amendments thereto and regulations adopted thereunder,…
BY-LAW #2024-05-02
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Fredericton Junction proposes Creation of A By-Law Establishing the Code of Conduct for Council Pursuant to subsection 10(2)(b) of the Local Governance Act, SNB 2017, c.18, amendments thereto…
White Rapids Manor Update
BY-LAW #2024-05-02
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Fredericton Junction proposes Creation of A By-Law Establishing the Code of Conduct for Council Pursuant to subsection 10(2)(b) of the Local Governance Act, SNB 2017, c.18, amendments thereto…
BY-LAW # 2024-05
Pursuant to section 10(1) of the Local Governance Act, SNB 2017, c. 18. due to the New Brunswick Provincial Reform.Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Fredericton Junction proposesto amend the following By-Law: TO AMEND BY-LAW2012-02 OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF FREDERICTON JUNCTIONRESPECTING THE PROCEDURE AND ORGANIZATION OF THE VILLAGEOF FREDERICTON JUNCTION BY REPEALING (and…
BY-LAW # 2024-05
Pursuant to section 10(1) of the Local Governance Act, SNB 2017, c. 18. due to the New Brunswick Provincial Reform.Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Fredericton Junction proposesto amend the following By-Law: TO AMEND BY-LAW2012-02 OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF FREDERICTON JUNCTIONRESPECTING THE PROCEDURE AND ORGANIZATION OF THE VILLAGEOF FREDERICTON JUNCTION BY REPEALING (and…